2020长沙论坛 (2020长沙中考英语听力音频)

长沙娱乐 04-03 阅读:89 评论:0
2020长沙论坛 (2020长沙中考英语听力音频)

本音频为 2020 年长沙中考英语听力部分的完整音频。请仔细聆听,并按照指示作答。

  • Section 1: 短对话
  • Section 2: 长对话
  • Section 3: 独白
  • Section 4: 新闻报道

Section 1: 短对话

  1. A: Excuse me, could you tell me where the post office is?

    B: Sure, it's just down the street on the left.

  2. A: What time does the library close today?

    B: It closes at 5 pm on weekdays.

  3. A: Can I help you?

    B: Yes, I'm looking for a book about Chinese history.

  4. A: Would you like to have some coffee?

    B: No, thanks. I don't drink coffee.

  5. A: What's your favorite subject?

    B: I like English the most.

Section 2: 长对话

  1. A: Hi, Mary. I heard you're going to Beijing next week.

    B: Yes, I'm going there for a business trip.

    A: How long will you stay there?

    B: I'll be there for three days.

    A: Do you know where you're going to stay?

    B: Yes, I've already booked a hotel.

  2. A: Hello, Dr. Smith. I'm here for my checkup.

    B: Yes, Mr. Jones. Please take a seat.

    A: Thank you.

    B: So, how have you been feeling lately?

    A: I've been feeling a little tired and stressed.

    B: I see. Have you been getting enough sleep?

    A: No, I haven't been sleeping very well.

  3. A: Hello, can I help you?

    B: Yes, I'm looking for a pair of running shoes.

    A: What size are you looking for?

    B: I'm a size 10.

    A: Okay, let me show you some options.

    B: Thank you.

Section 3: 独白

  1. I'm so excited to be here today. I've always wanted to visit Changsha. It's such a beautiful city with a rich history and culture. I'm looking forward to exploring all the amazing things Changsha has to offer.

  2. I've been studying English for many years, and I'm finally confident enough to speak in public. I'm nervous, but I'm also excited to share my thoughts and ideas with you. I hope you enjoy my speech.

  3. I'm a firm believer in the power of education. I believe that education can change lives and make the world a better place. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have received a good education, and I'm committed to helping others to do the same.

Section 4: 新闻报道

  1. The Changsha International Marathon will be held on October 18th. The marathon will start and finish at the Helong Stadium. The race will be divided into two categories: a full marathon (42.195 kilometers) and a half marathon (21.0975 kilometers). Over 30,000 runners from around the world are expected to participate in the event.

  2. The Changsha International Airport has opened a new terminal. The new terminal is twice the size of the old terminal and can accommodate up to 45 million passengers per year. The new terminal features state-of-the-art facilities, including self-service check-in kiosks and automated baggage handling systems.

  3. The Changsha Municipal Government has announced a new policy to promote electric vehicles. The policy includes a number of incentives, such as tax breaks and subsidies, for people who purchase electric vehicles. The government hopes that the policy will help to reduce air pollution and promote the development of green energy.

